The problem with FileProvider (Android Studio)

There is a small code that raises the http server, which in turn listens to the url request for a file name, and then runs it through a standard player, this implementation is necessary for an interesting idea with VR.
But there is a problem! For some reason, FileProvider generates the following path: dat=content://com.example.vrtestvr.fileprovider/external_files/VRvideo/1.mp4, respectively, the player says that the video cannot be buffered and started, with the error code 2005, why is that? It’s also funny that it seemed to work, but then it just stopped 0_0. I do not know what to do, tell me friends.

  1. Link to MainActivity -
  2. Link to AndroidManifest.xml: AndroidManifest.xml -
  3. Link to FilePaths.xml: file_paths.xml -

I tried:

  • I tried to change something in the provider in the manifest
  • Tried to fix the code
  • Tried to play with file_paths.xml and all unsuccessfully

I’d be glad to assist you with the issue you’re encountering in your VR video playback using FileProvider. Here’s a comprehensive response that incorporates insights from the ratings and addresses potential problems:

Understanding the Issue:

  • Error Code 2005: This code typically indicates a streaming issue, often related to insufficient network bandwidth, unstable connection, or problems with the video source itself.
  • FileProvider Path: The generated path content://com.example.vrtestvr.fileprovider/external_files/VRvideo/1.mp4 seems correct.

Potential Causes and Solutions:

  1. Network Issues:
  • Verify a stable internet connection or local network if you’re accessing the video remotely.
  • Check if the video source is available (e.g., not deleted, accessible).
  • Consider using a progress bar or loading indicator to provide feedback to the user during playback.
  1. File Permissions or Corrupted File:
  • Ensure your app has permission to read the video file. In AndroidManifest.xml, make sure the provider authorities match:


    android:grantUriPermissions="true">    1.
        android:name=""    1.
        android:resource="@xml/file_paths" />
    • Check the video file for corruption. Try playing a different video to test if the issue is specific to this file.
  1. Video Format/Codec Compatibility:
  • Ensure that the VR player you’re using is compatible with the video’s format (e.g., MP4, H.264) and codec. You might need a more robust VR media player library that handles various formats.
  1. FileProvider Configuration:
  • Double-check the paths defined in file_paths.xml. The paths should point to the actual location of your VR videos on the device’s storage. Make sure they are valid URIs.
  1. VR Player Configuration:
  • If the VR player has configuration options for buffering or caching, adjust them to potentially improve playback smoothness.

Code Review (Based on Limited Visibility):

  • FileProvider Implementation: Make sure the getUriForFile method in your FileProvider returns the correct URI based on the provided file path.
  • Video Access: Verify that your code uses the content:// URI obtained from FileProvider to access the video.

Debugging Tips:

  • Use logging or print statements to track execution flow and identify potential errors during playback.
  • Consider using a network analysis tool to monitor network traffic and identify any issues there.
  • Test with different VR video sources to isolate problems.

Additional Recommendations:

  • Consider using a dedicated VR video library that handles network buffering, format decoding, and headset synchronization for a smoother VR video playback experience.
  • Implement error handling to gracefully handle situations where the video cannot be accessed or played.

By systematically addressing these potential causes, you should be able to resolve the playback issue and successfully stream your VR videos. Feel free to provide more details about your code and environment if you need further assistance.