show the remote changed or not in windows mingw terminal when using git command

I am using the terminal tool in windows mingw bash terminal. I am develop the same branch with another partner. is it possible to let the terminal git show the remote branch is updated or not? Now when I pushed to remote branch will tell me the remote branch is update, then I have to pull then push. or I run the fetch command to check the remote branch update or not. Sometimes I always forget to pull the newest code from remote branch.

1. Set the fetch.prune configuration:

This option tells Git to prune remote branches that have been deleted on the remote server. This helps keep your local repository’s remote tracking branches in sync with the remote repository.

Open your terminal and run the following command:

git config --global fetch.prune true

2. Use the git status command:

After pushing your changes to the remote branch, run git status . This command will display the status of your working directory, including whether your local branch is up-to-date with the remote branch.

If your local branch is behind the remote branch, the output will show something like:
Your branch is behind 'origin/your_branch_name' by 1 commit.
This means that there are changes on the remote branch that you haven’t pulled yet. You can then run git pull to fetch and merge the changes from the remote branch into your local branch.

Additional tips:

  • Set up a default branch: If you always work on the same branch (e.g., main ), you can set it as the default branch for your repository:
git branch --set-upstream-to origin/main main
  • This will make git pull automatically fetch and merge changes from the origin/main branch into your local main branch.
  • Use a Git client with a visual interface: Many Git clients (like GitHub Desktop, GitKraken, or SourceTree) provide a clear visual representation of the status of your branches and make it easy to pull and push changes.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you’re always working with the latest version of your code and avoid conflicts caused by outdated branches.