Must pcntl_signal_dispatch always be used for signal handling?

I have a PHP script (executed via php script.php) which must be able to handle graceful shutdowns when receiving a SIGTERM signal.

For that I want to use pcntl_signal. Some experimentation showed me that pcntl_signal_dispatch must be used to ensure signal handlers will actually handle any pending OS signals.

What is confusing to me:

Is the usage of pcntl_signal_dispatch mandatory for signal handlers to be called? Or are there scenarios where signal handlers are automatically called by the PHP runtime?

This is the minimal reproducable example for what I am describing:



function handleSignal(int $signo): void
    echo "Got signal: $signo\n";

pcntl_signal(SIGINT, 'handleSignal');
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, 'handleSignal');

while (true) {
    // Assume that this program will receive a SIGTERM signal,
    // Locally you can simply do that via using htop to kill the process.


    // Remove this line an the script will not get any signals: