Curious if I can do something like what is below, essentially use parallel matrix to tack -P flags to the maven script. Is there a way to use parallel matrix to add different maven profiles and run the scripts in parallel? Or is there another way to do this without having the jobs separated? I want them coupled together in the pipeline.
stage: test
- |
mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS test
- VERSION: [-Ptest1,-Ptest2]
Yes, you can use GitLab CI’s parallel matrix to pass different Maven profiles (-P) and execute them in parallel, while still keeping them logically coupled within the same pipeline job. Here’s how you can structure it:
Example Using Parallel Matrix
stage: test
- PROFILE: ["test1", "test2"] # Define Maven profiles here
- echo "Running with Maven profile: $PROFILE"
- mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS test -P$PROFILE # Pass the profile dynamically
The matrix keyword generates parallel jobs within the same pipeline stage.
Each matrix combination runs as an isolated job but is part of the same logical CI stage.
Dynamic Profile Assignment:
The variable PROFILE is populated from the matrix and used in the mvn command via -P$PROFILE.
Job Coupling:
These jobs are tied to the same pipeline stage (test) and run in parallel, but their results are aggregated within the same pipeline execution.
Parallel Execution: Each Maven profile (-Ptest1, -Ptest2) runs in a separate thread, speeding up the pipeline.
Logical Grouping: All these jobs remain part of the same CI stage (test) and appear grouped in the GitLab UI.
Alternative: Running Multiple Profiles in the Same Script
If you don’t want separate parallel jobs and prefer to handle all profiles in a single script (e.g., for sequential execution), you could iterate over the profiles:
stage: test
- for PROFILE in test1 test2; do
echo "Running with Maven profile: $PROFILE";
mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS test -P$PROFILE || exit 1;
This approach ensures the profiles run in sequence within a single job, but it doesn’t leverage parallelism.
Which Approach is Best?
Use Parallel Matrix: When you want to speed up execution by running multiple profiles concurrently.
Iterate Over Profiles: When the profiles must run in sequence, or you want them in the same job log for simplicity.
Let me know if you’d like help refining either configuration!