My data are usually taken from mysql however that’s not the issue. My problem is i want to be able to call few functions inside an echo. I dont even know if it is possible. Im almost new to php Please any help is appreciated.
In PHP, you cannot directly mix PHP code inside a string that’s being echoed out. Instead, you need to close the PHP tags to execute the PHP code, then reopen them. Here’s how you can achieve what you want:
Option 1: Using echo with PHP code
You can concatenate the result of PHP functions with the rest of your HTML:
// Assuming science_facts() returns HTML options
function science_facts() {
// Your code to generate options
return "<option value='fact1'>Fact 1</option><option value='fact2'>Fact 2</option>";
echo "
<div class='container'>
<select name='science'>
" . science_facts() . "
Option 2: Using print for mixed PHP and HTML
You can use print to include PHP directly within HTML:
function science_facts() {
// Your code to generate options
echo "<option value='fact1'>Fact 1</option><option value='fact2'>Fact 2</option>";
<div class='container'>
<select name='science'>
<?php science_facts(); ?>
Concatenation Method: You use PHP’s string concatenation operator (.) to combine the result of the science_facts() function with your HTML. This method works well when the function returns a string.
Direct PHP Execution: By closing and reopening PHP tags, you can execute PHP code and then embed the output within your HTML. This method is useful when you need to execute PHP code directly within your HTML.
Choose the method that best fits your needs and coding style!