File upload service with moleculer

I have a service file, and I’m sending a file to the http://localhost:4000/uploads URL using the “file” field via POST in Postman. However, in my code, context.meta.$multipart is coming out as undefined, and the file is not being saved to the public directory.

api.service `

const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");

module.exports = {
  name: "api",
  version: 1,
  mixins: [ApiGateway],

  settings: {
    port: 8080,
    path: "/upload",
    routes: [
        path: "",
        bodyParsers: {
          json: false,
          urlencoded: false

        mappingPolicy: "restrict",
        aliases: {
          "POST /multi": {
            type: "multipart",
            // Action level busboy config
            busboyConfig: {
              limits: {
                files: 3
            action: "v1.assets.upload"
          // File upload from HTML multipart form
          "POST /": "multipart:v1.assets.upload",

          // File upload from AJAX or cURL
          "PUT /": "stream:v1.assets.upload"
        // Route level busboy config.
        busboyConfig: {
          limits: {
            files: 1

    assets: {
      folder: "./public"


assets.service.js `

module.exports = {
    name: "assets",
    version: 1,
    actions: {
      upload: {
        handler(context) {
          console.log("params", context.params.meta);
          console.log("context.meta.$multipart", context.meta.$multipart);


I tried both POST and PUT, and even tested it by creating a website, but I still couldn’t resolve the error. It returns 200 OK in Postman, but the file is not uploaded, and both console.log statements in the assets.service.js file are returning undefined.