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Springboot properties is not able to resolve global properties

New member
Feb 9, 2023
I have a below properties in my spring boot application.properties


I am using ubuntu and tried below in terminal.

export awsRegion=ap-southeast-1

When I did echo $awsRegion I am able to get the value in terminal

But when start my spring boot application I am getting

Could not resolve placeholder 'awsRegion' in value "${awsRegion}"
Please help me on this.
New member
Feb 9, 2023
First: Environment variables are case-sensitive. By convention, but not rule, environment variable names are always capitalized.

Second: export is a command Bash that used to set a variable. The variable will be visible only for any subprocesses started from that instance of Bash.

Third: To make it more permanent, you can add it to your shell configuration file: $HOME/.bashrc or more globally in /etc/environment.
For example, AWS_REGION=ap-southeast-1
After adding this line, the changes won't reflect instantly in GUI-based systems. You have to exit the terminal or create a new one and on the server, log out the session and log in to reflect these changes.