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  1. A

    How to find the position of a specific row in a laravel collection(already fetched)

    I need the position of a particular row from an already fetched the collection of models in laravel $data=Lessions::where('status',1)->where('teacher_id',56)->get(); how to find the position of $data->where('student_id',3) We can do it by foreach loop. anyone can suggest the more optimized way...
  2. F

    pd.read_sql and pd.read_sql_query hang upon execution, how to troubleshoot this?

    I am currently trying to read from a local MySQL database table on my computer. This table has about 2M rows of data. So when I call read_sql() or read_sql_query() I tried passing it chunksize = 1000, chunksize=10 and then chunksize=1, all of which in my debug session in PyCharm, it just...
  3. X

    Writing a DELETE query for 3 tables

    I am trying to write a simply query that will delete an event based off its event_id. That event_id could be in 1 of 3 tables in a database however. Leagues Tournaments Trainings Each event_id is generated by a randomizer function so each id is unique. I have tried a few different syntaxs for...
  4. M

    Pagination on Native sql query gives : unexpected token: ON

    While writing a pagination query in repository as below code segment, I'm getting following error. @Repository public interface Aaaa extends PagingAndSortingRepository<TxnDealerInventoryItem, Long> { @Query(value = "SELECT EM.PART_NO, EM.PART_NAME FROM TXN_DEALER_INVENTORY_ITEM E INNER...
  5. S

    Join two tables including connecting the columns first on both table and then comparing both the table

    I have 2 data sets in the same excel file but in two sheets, let's say the sheets are: Order ID Product ID Qty CA-2014-100006 TEC-PH-10002075 3 CA-2014-100090 FUR-TA-10003715 3 CA-2014-100090 OFF-BI-10001597 6 CA-2014-100293 OFF-PA-10000176 6 CA-2014-100328 OFF-BI-10000343 1...
  6. W

    How to use @shopify/shopify-app-session-storage-mysql for Shopify app tutorial?

    I created Shopify app with Nodejs tutorial. It uses SQLite for storage. But now I want to change to MySQL database. I use npm @shopify/shopify-app-session-storage-mysql and npm mysql2 to connect database. I'm trying to query to database, and it return error about scope as below. Error about...
  7. N

    How to use @shopify/shopify-app-session-storage-mysql for Shopify app tutorial?

    I created Shopify app with Nodejs tutorial. It uses SQLite for storage. But now I want to change to MySQL database. I use npm @shopify/shopify-app-session-storage-mysql and npm mysql2 to connect database. I'm trying to query to database, and it return error about scope as below. Error about...
  8. A

    MSQL Maria DB what type field for polygon coordinates and how to save the polygon coordinates

    I am trying to save polygon coordinates into MYSQL database. Later On I will have to search this table if a given LAT&LNG is within any saved coordinates. So far I have created table : DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `zoni`; CREATE TABLE `zoni` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `zone_name` varchar(100)...