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  1. F

    How to calculate MAX from a dataset column in original Vega

    You can either use the joinaggregate transform (https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/transforms/joinaggregate/) or derive a new dataset and use the aggregate transform. e.g. { "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v5.json", "description": "A basic bar chart example, with value labels...
  2. F

    How to set position of vertical html menu element on page load

    I am developing a website with 30 pages. Each page has two columns: a vertical scrolling menu in the left column and the page content in the right column. Each page has the same html code for the menu: <div class="nav-scroll-menu"> <a href="page1.html" class="nav-menu-item">...
  3. F

    Display Array Object in Flutter

    Your code should be as following items: [ DropdownMenuItem( child: Text("Choose One"), value: "", ), ...listLorem.map((items) => DropdownMenuItem( child: Text(items.someText), value: items.ids, )),//...(triple dots) is...
  4. F

    Change appBar icon real-time with StreamBuilder - flutter

    I want to change appbar icon real-time (action) with StreamBuilder result, So, I use this method, class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { @override _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState(); } class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> { bool isOk = false; @override Widget...
  5. F

    How to Display SVGs in Julia?

    I am creating SVG files using Luxor.jl. I want to display them in a live window, 1 by 1, at 60 fps. I dont want to render out the images as an mp4. I just want to display them in a window, and keep updating the image source every fraction of a second. How do I do that? (I am hoping for the most...
  6. F

    Love Notes - Adorable Valentine's Font

    Love Notes - Adorable Valentine's Font TTF | OTF | 68 KB Download (UploadGiG) https://uploadgig.com/file/download/464C6e9ad6031866/LoveNote-TTF-OTF.010223.rar Download (FileNext) https://www.filenext.com/fn7wyzp6gf3f/LoveNote-TTF-OTF.010223.rar.html
  7. F

    python f-strings with path parameters within fastapi path

    I'm wondering if you can use f strings within a path in fastapi. For example, I want to do the following: common_path = '/{user}/{item_id}' @app.get(f'{common_path}/testing') would this work?
  8. F

    I have the below function in R. How can I print the output of 'llod' (from the second last line) outside this function?

    apply.llod <- function(){ lm <- lm(mpg ~ cyl,data = mtcars) llod <- predict(lm, mtcars)[[1]] llod } apply.llod() > apply.llod() [1] 20.62984